

Edited Volumes:

Refereed Journal Articles:

  • Lavendar Forsyth, G., Chaudhuri, A. and Atkinson, Q. (2023). Validating the dual evolutionary foundations of political values in a US sample. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 14. [Download PDF.]
  • Claessens, S., Sibley, C., Chaudhuri, A., and Atkinson. Q. (2023). Cooperative and conformist behavioural preferences predict the dual dimensions of political ideology. Nature Scientific Reports, 13 (4886). [Download PDF.]
  • Fischer, K., Chaudhuri, A., and Atkinson, Q. (2023). Dual Evolutionary Foundations of Political Ideology Predict Divergent Responses to COVID-19. British Journal of Political Science. [Download PDF.]
  • Chaudhuri, A., Iversen, V., Jensenius, F. R., and Maitra, P. (2022). Time in Office and the Changing Gender Gap in Dishonesty: Evidence from Local Politics in India. American Journal of Political Science. [Download PDF]
  • Claessens, S., Kelly D., Sibley, C., Chaudhuri, A. and Atkinson. Q. (2022). Cooperative phenotype predicts climate change belief and pro-environmental behaviour. Nature Scientific Reports. [Download PDF]
  • Li, Y., Sbai, E. and Chaudhuri, A (2020). An experimental study of gender differences in agency relationships. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. [Download PDF.]
  • Sundborn, G., Thornley, S., Jackson, M., Morris, G., Blackham, M. Schofield, G., Doehring, R., Goedeke, R., Morris, A., and Chaudhuri, A (2020). Chasing elimination through lockdowns is stamping out livelihoods and lives. Journal of Primary Health Care, 020;12(4):298–301.[Download PDF]. This paper led to a response from the New Zealand Ministry of Health. [Read the response here.]
  • Claessens, S., Fischer, K., Chaudhuri, A., Sibley, C. and Atkinson, Q. (2020). Dual Evolutionary Foundations of Political Ideology. Nature Human Behavior, 4, 336–345 (2020). [Download PDF.]
  • Dickinson, D., Chaudhuri, A and Greenaway-McGrevy, R. (2019). Trading while sleepy? Circadian mismatch and excess volatility in a global experimental asset market. Experimental Economics. [Download PDF.]
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2018). Heterogeneous beliefs and the re-start effect in a public goods game. Games (Special Issue: Social Norms and Games), 2018, 9(4); On-line article available here (open access).
  • So, T., Brown, P., Chaudhuri, A. Ryvkin, D. and Cameron, L. (2017). Piece-rates and tournaments: implications for productivity and learning in a cognitively challenging task. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 142, October 2017, 11-23. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Paichayontvijit, T. (2017). On the long-run efficacy of punishments and recommendations in a laboratory public goods game. Nature Scientific Reports, 7: 12286. September 2017. On-line article available here (open access).
  • Chaudhuri, A., So, T. and Sbai, E. (2017). Wage cuts and layoffs in the minimum effort coordination game. Economics Bulletin, 37(3), September 2017, 1-18. Open access article available on-line here.
  • Chaudhuri, A., Paichayontvijit, T. and Smith A. (2017). Belief heterogeneity and contributions decay among conditional cooperators in public goods games. Journal of Economic Psychology, 58, February 2017, 15-30. [Download PDF].
  • Chaudhuri, A., Li, Y. and Paichayontvijit, T. (2016). What’s in a frame? Goal framing, trust and reciprocity. Journal of Economic Psychology, 57, December 2016, 117-135. [Download PDF].
  • Chaudhuri, A., Paichayontvijit, T. and Sbai, E. (2016). The impact of framing, inequity and history in a corruption game: experimental evidence. Games, 7(2), June 2016. On-line article available here (open access).
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2016). Recent advances in experimental studies of social dilemma problems. Games, 7(1), February 2016. Open access article available here. (Re-printed as Introduction, pages IX-XXIV in Chaudhuri, A. (Ed.), Recent advances in experimental studies of social dilemma problems, 2016. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG.)
  • Chaudhuri, A., Cruickshank, A. and Sbai, E. (2015). Gender differences in personnel management: experimental evidence. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 58, October 2015, 20-32. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A., Paichayontvijit, T. and So, T. (2015). Team versus individual behavior in the minimum effort coordination game. Journal of Economic Psychology, 47(2), April 2015, 85-102. [Download PDF].
  • Chaudhuri, A., Paichayontvijit, T. and Shen. D. (2013). Gender differences in trust and trustworthiness: Individuals, single Sex and mixed sex groups. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, February 2013, 181-194. [Download PDF].
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2011). Sustaining cooperation in laboratory public goods experiments: a Selective Survey of the Literature. Experimental Economics, 14 (1), March 2011, 47-83.[Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Sbai, E. (2011). Gender Differences in Trust and Reciprocity in repeated gift exchange games. New Zealand Economic Papers: Special Issue in Economic Psychology and Behavioural Economics, 45 (1-2), 81-95, April-August, 2011. (Re-printed as Chapter 7, pages 81–96 in Simon Kemp and Gabrielle Wall (Eds.), Economic Psychology and Experimental Economics, 2013, Abingdon, UK: Routledge.) [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Paichayontvijit, T. (2010). Recommended Play and Performance Bonuses in the Minimum Effort Coordination Game. Experimental Economics, 13(3), September 2010, 346-363. [Download PDF]
  • Cameron, L. Chaudhurio, A., Erkal, N. and Gangadharan, L. (2009). Propensities to Engage in and Punish Corrupt Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singapore. Journal of Public Economics, 93(7-8), August 2009, 843-851. [Download PDF]
  • Alatas, V., Cameron, L., Chaudhuri, A., Erkal, N. and Gangadharan, L. (2009). Subject pool effects in a corruption experiment: A comparison of Indonesian public servants and Indonesian students. Experimental Economics, 12(1), March 2009, 113-132. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A., Schotter, A. and Sopher, B. (2009). Coordination in Inter-generational Minimum Effort Games with Private, Almost Common and Common Knowledge of Advice. Economic Journal, Volume 119, January 2009, 91-122. [Download PDF]
  • Alatas, V., Cameron, L., Chaudhuri, A., Erkal, N. and Gangadharan, L. (2009). Gender and Corruption: Insights from an Experimental Analysis. Southern Economic Journal, Volume 75, Number 3, January 2009, 663-680. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Gangadharan, L. (2007). An Experimental Analysis of Trust and Trustworthiness. Southern Economic Journal, April 2007, 73)4). 959-985. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A., Schotter, A. and Sopher, B. (2006). Learning in Tournaments with Inter-generational Advice. Economics Bulletin, September 2006, 3(26), 1 – 16. Open-access article available here.
  • Chaudhuri, A., Graziano, S. and Maitra, P. (2006). Social Learning and Norms in an Experimental Public Goods Game with Inter-Generational Advice. Review of Economic Studies, April 2006, 73(2), 357-380. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Paichayontvijit, T. (2006). Conditional Cooperation and Voluntary Contributions to a Public Good. Economics Bulletin, April 2006, 3(8), p. 1-15. Open access article available here.
  • Bangun, L., Chaudhuri, A., Prak, P. and Zhou, C. (2006). Common and Almost Common Knowledge of Credible Assignments in a Coordination Game. Economics Bulletin, January 2006, 3(1), p. 1-10. Open access article available here.
  • Chaudhuri, A. Chen, D., Graziano, S, McIntire, F. and Winkler, D. (2004). To Free-Ride or Not To Free-ride: The Role of Patterning and Feedback in the Public Goods Game. ARTHANITI, 3(1-2), December 2004, p. 86-105.
  • Chaudhuri, A., Khan, S., Lakshmiratan, A., Py, A-L. and Shah, L. (2003). Trust and Trustworthiness in a Sequential Bargaining Game. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 16(5), December 2003, p. 331-340. [Download PDF]
  • Chakrabarty, D., Chaudhuri, A. and Spell, C. (2002). Information Structure and Contractual Choice in Franchising. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 58 (4), December 2002, p. 638-663.
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Maitra, P. (2002). On the Choice of Tenancy Contracts in Rural India. Economica, Vol. 69, Issue 275, August 2002, p. 445-459. [Download PDF]
  • Chaudhuri, A., Sopher, B. and Strand, P. (2002). Cooperation in Social Dilemmas, Trust and Reciprocity. Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 23(2), March 2002, p. 231 – 249. [Download PDF].
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2002). A Simple Algebraic Approach to Teaching Oligopoly Models. The American Economist, Vol. XXXXVI, No. 1, Spring 2002, p. 36-41. [Link to paper.]
  • Chakrabarty, D. and Chaudhuri, A. Formal and Informal Sector Credit Institutions and Interlinkage. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 46 (3), November 2001, p. 312-325. [Download PDF.]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Maitra, P. (2001). Tenant Characteristics and the Choice of Tenurial Contracts in Rural India. Journal of International Development, Vol. 13 (2), March 2001, p. 169-181.
  • Chaudhuri, A., Ghosh, P. and Spell, C. (2001). A Location Based Theory of Franchising. Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2001, p. 54-67.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2000). Endogenous Quality Choice and the Impact of Quantitative Restrictions. The International Trade Journal, Volume XIV (4), Winter 2000, p. 377-397. [Link to paper.]
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Maitra, P. (2000). Sharecropping Contracts in Rural India: A Note. Journal of Contemporary Asia, Volume 30(1), February 2000, p. 99-107.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (1998). The Ratchet Principle in a Principal Agent Game with Unknown Costs: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 37(3), November 1998, p. 291-304. [Download PDF.]

Chapters in Books:

  • Fischer, K., Atkinson, Q and Chaudhuri, A. (2021). “Experimental approaches to political psychology”, Chaudhuri, A. (Editor), Research Agenda in Experimental Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)
  • Claessens, S., Chaudhuri, A. and Atkinson, Q. (2020). “An Evolutionary Approach to Political Psychology”, in Sibley C. and Osborne, D. (Editors), Handbook of Political Psychology, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (forthcoming).
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2015). “Altruistic Punishments”, Pages 10-12 in Morris Altman (Editor), Real World Decision Making: An Encyclopaedia of Behavioral Economics, ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2015.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2013). “Experimental Economics” in the Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS;, UNESCO, New York. NY. 2013
  • Chaudhuri, A., (2012). “Gender and corruption: a survey of the experimental evidence”, Chapter 2, pages 13-49 in Danila Serra and Leonard Wantchekon (Editors), Research in Experimental Economics Volume 15: New Advances in Experimental Research on Corruption, 2012, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publications.
  • Chaudhuri, A. and Paichayontvijit, T. (2011). “Recommended Play and Costly Punishments in a Laboratory Public Goods Experiment” in Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar, Hiranya Mukhopadhyay and Uday Bhanu Sinha (Eds.), Dimensions of Economic Theory and Policy: Essays for Anjan Mukherji, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.[Download PDF]

Book Reviews:

  • “The collateral damages of lockdowns: A Review of ‘The Great Covid Panic” by Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster and Michael Baker, Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics. [Download PDF]
  • “The Economics of Small Things” by Sudipta Sarangi, Penguin India, 2020, Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 92, April 2021. [Download PDF].
  • Feeling Smart: Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Than We think”, by Eyal Winter, Public Affairs, New York, 2016, Journal of Economic Psychology, 59, April 2017, 171-173.
  • Misbehaving: The making of behavioral Economics”, by Richard Thaler, W.W. Norton, 2015, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 60, February 2016, 64-65.  
  • Give and Take” by Adam Grant, Viking, 2014, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 52, October 2014, 1-3.
  • The Why Axis” by Uri Gneezy and John List, Public Affairs, 2013, Journal of Economic Psychology, 44, October 2014, 47-49
  • The Darwin Economy” by Robert Frank, Princeton University Press, 2011, New Zealand Economic Papers, 46(2), 185-188.
  • Experimental Economics: Rethinking the Rules” by Nicholas Bardsley, Robin Cubitt, Graham Loomes, Peter Moffatt, Chris Starmer and Robert Sugden, Princeton University Press, 2009, Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(6), December 2010, 1057-1060.
  • Moral Sentiments and Material Interests”, Samuel Bowles, Robert Boyd, Herbert Gintis and Ernst Fehr (Editors), MIT Press, 2006, European Journal of Political Economy, 24(1), March 2008, 280 – 282.
  • Game Theory: 5 Questions”, Vincent F. Hendricks and Pelle G. Hansen (Editors), Automatic Press, 2005, Journal of Economic Psychology, 28 (5), August 2007, 625-627.
  • “Experimental Business Research”, Rami Zwick and Amnon Rapoport (Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journal of Economic Psychology, 23(6), December 2002, p. 793-796.
  • Strategic Foundations of General Equilibrium” by Douglas Gale, First Edition, Cambridge University Press, Eastern Economic Journal, 28(2), May 2002, p. 275-277.
  • Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management” by Katar Singh, Second Edition, Sage Publishers, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 30(4), January 2001, p. 600-602.     

Non-Refereed Publications:  

  • Chaudhuri, A. (2016). Is the price right? Fair play and economics. University of Auckland Business Review, 19(1), Autumn 2016.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2010). Reflections of a journal editor. New Zealand Economic Papers, 44(3), December 2010, 211-215.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2009b). Editor’s Introduction. New Zealand Economic Papers, 41(1), 227.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2009a). Editor’s Introduction. New Zealand Economic Papers, 43(1), 1-2.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2008). Editor’s Introduction. New Zealand Economic Papers, 42(2), 151-154.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2007b). Editor’s Introduction. New Zealand Economic Papers, 41(2), 1-2.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2007a). Editor’s Introduction. New Zealand Economic Papers, 41(1), 1-2.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2001). A Simple Investment Game Experiment for the Classroom.  Classroom Expernomics, Vol. 10, Fall 2001.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (1996). Published abstract: The Ratchet Principle in a Principal Agent with Unknown Costs: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 40 (4), December 1996, p. 371-371.

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